If your child needs medication during the day, please ask your doctor to fill out the consent form below.  You will need to bring in a new unopened box of medication.

If your child's doctor prescribes a medication that MUST be taken during the day, you will need to bring it in in its original packaging with the prescription label as well as the package insert warning about side-effects.

Once your doctor signs the form below, a parent will need to sign it was well as a MAT Trained teacher.

Medication Consent Form

Exclusion Criteria:  Should I stay or should I go?

Health Policy

If you suspect that your child may be ill, please make other arrangements for care.  Please notify the center when your child is sick and keep him/her at home until he/she feels well enough to resume full activities (including outdoor play). Each child is required to have a physical examination by his/her physician upon admission to the center.  Parents should update their child's medical file as they receive additional immunizations.


Exclusion Criteria/When to Keep Your Child Home from PPELC Due to Illness

For the protection of all center children and teachers, a child with any of the following symptoms or illnesses should NOT be brought to the center:

  1. A fever with behavioral changes in the past 24 hours equal to or greater than 101 degrees by mouth or 100 degrees by armpit (without use of fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or ibuprofen).
  2. Diarrhea or loose stools (2 or more stools above normal for that child in previous 24 hours) that cannot be contained or stool that spills out of underpants or diapers, or a diagnosis from a physician of an infectious cause until cleared by the physician to return to daycare.
  3. Vomiting more than 2 times in the preceding 24 hours, especially if accompanied by fever, poor appetite or diarrhea.
  4. Significant cough that makes a child feel uncomfortable or disrupts the other children, difficulty breathing, wheezing, persistent crying, or significant irritability.
  5. Sore throat with a fever, rash, and/or feeling ill, that persists longer than 48 hours, or a physician confirmed diagnosis of strep throat until 24 hours after treatment has started.
  6. Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth; any wet or weeping sores; or a physician confirmed diagnosis of impetigo until 24 hours after treatment has started.
  7. Rash along with other symptoms of illness such as a fever or behavioral changes, needs to be evaluated by a physician to determine if the child is not contagious.
  8. Coxsackie virus (Hand Foot and Mouth disease) until sores have crusted over.
  9. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) until properly diagnosed and treated if necessary.  A doctor’s note is required for a child with diagnosed pink eye to be accepted.
  10. Large amount of discolored nasal discharge, especially if the child has a fever or is feeling ill.
  11. Ear pain that is severe or drainage from the ear.
  12. Head Lice until the child has received the first treatment.
  13. The child does not feel well enough to participate comfortably in daily activities.
  14. The teacher cannot care for the sick child without interfering with the care of the other children.
  15. In addition to a fever and behavioral changes, any of the following symptoms of a possible serious illness until the child is evaluated by a health care professional, who determines that the child may be in care, including: Unusual or extreme drowsiness, Inability to play at all, Complaints of severe pain.
  16. The Director can refuse to accept any child for care that they feel cannot function in daily activities.
  17. In order for your child to be released from outdoor play, you must have a written excuse from your doctor.